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Accidents involving lorries or HGVs can have far-reaching consequences. You could have long-term injuries, find it hard to work, or the victim could have died.

If you were not at fault, claiming lorry accident compensation could assist you in healing, adapting to your injuries, and meeting your daily needs.

Our experienced lorry accident lawyer London team can assist you in filing a no-win, no-fee claim against those liable for your accident, as well as assisting you in obtaining insurance that may make the claim risk-free. You will not be required to pay anything until you receive your settlement. Even then, it will be from whoever was at fault or your compensation amount.

With our lorry accident lawyer London team on your side, you’ll get all the advice and assistance you require. Contact us today, knowing there will be no pressure to continue. We’ll listen to your story, provide you with any information you need, and you can take as much time as you need to decide whether to pursue your lorry accident claim.


Inclement weather can significantly raise stopping distances and reduce visibility for lorry drivers, increasing the likelihood of an accident. The weather in the UK is becoming increasingly unpredictable, and without extensive experience some lorry drivers struggle to compensate for the driving complications caused by conditions like extreme cold, heavy ice and snow and even excessive heat.

Dangerous Driving

Dangerous driving can result from actions such as speeding, tailgating, cell phone use, driving under the influence, or dangerous overtaking.


Increasingly, driver fatigue is a danger to others on the road – and the driver themselves, too. According to ROSPA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) figures for 2020, driver fatigue could be a factor in up to 20% of lorry accidents and 25% of incidents resulting in serious injury or death.

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A lorry driver who is not sufficiently trained or experienced behind the wheel of an HGV is more likely to cause a road traffic accident. When manoeuvring, they may also fail to check for other, more vulnerable road users and pedestrians.

Vehicle flaws

When vehicles are not properly maintained, they can endanger both the driver and members of the public. According to Department for Transport statistics, 4,669 goods vehicle occupant casualties were reported in the United Kingdom in 2021.


People who seek lorry accident compensation are typically the most vulnerable party in the collision, such as the driver of a smaller vehicle such as a car, someone who has been knocked off a bicycle or motorbike, or a pedestrian who is hit.


However, employer or employee negligence can also endanger lorry and HGV drivers. Poor vehicle maintenance, for example, is something increasingly seen as a factor in lorry accident claims our lorry accident lawyer team deals with.

Why Should I Work With a Lorry Accident Lawyer London?

In the aftermath of a lorry accident the victims have a lot to deal with, even if their injuries are relatively minor. However, contacting a lorry accident lawyer London is something that should be considered as soon as possible.

You may well be able to receive compensation to help support your recovery and receive compensation for mistakes made if you file a claim for lorry accident compensation.

If you or a loved one was hit by a lorry or were involved in a traffic accident involving an HGV, the recovery process can be lengthy and difficult – both physically and mentally.

The consequences for your family and livelihood can be devastating. Your ability to work may be impaired, and you may not be able to maintain the same standard of living as before the accident.

A lorry accident can have far-reaching consequences, but with the assistance of a lorry accident lawyer London, you can pay for care and rehabilitative services, replace lost wages, and gain peace of mind.

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How Much Compensation Do Lorry Accident Claimants Receive?

The amount of compensation you receive as part of your heavy vehicle accident claim is determined by a number of factors. It is also important to remember that each accident is unique, so we cannot predict how much compensation you may receive.


We evaluate each claim individually in accordance with the Ministry of Justice’s Judicial College Guidelines. These consider factors such as the extent of the injury, the impact on you, your family, or your livelihood, and whether the truck accident caused damage to your property, such as if you were driving a vehicle when the accident occured.


The one thing you can be certain of is that if Pearl Lemon Legal’s lorry accident lawyer team represents you you will receive the best possible service, and the facts of your case will be clearly and vigorously stated to everyone who needs to hear them. We will also work with you to ensure that every claim you can make is being made and that we fight for all the compensation you are entitled to.

Can I File a Lorry Accident Claim for Someone Else?

Yes, if someone close to you was hurt in a truck accident but is unable to file a claim, you may indeed be able to do so on their behalf.


It is critical, however, that you have all requisite crash details as well as access to their medical records. This will increase the likelihood of success for the lorry accident claim.


If your child was injured before the age of 18, you can file a claim on their behalf as their legal guardian.. In addition, if an adult was injured but lacks the mental capacity to file a lorry accident claim (due to the accident or a pre-existing condition), you can file a claim on their behalf under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

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How Does Pearl Lemon Legal Make Money on Car Accident Claims?

If we act for you as a lorry accident lawyer London we will be acting as a no win, no-fee legal team.

Personal injury lawyers who work on a no-win, no-fee basis are only paid if your case is successful. Before you agree to proceed with your case, your lawyer will affirm the percentage of your award amount that will be reimbursed to them under a no win no fee agreement.

If your case is dismissed, you will not be required to pay any of the legal fees connected with it. However, you should have insurance to cover this, and your lawyers will be paid by your insurance company.

Feel Good When You Choose Pearl Lemon Legal As Your Lorry Accident Lawyer

Our legal team has the knowledge and experience to assist you in filing a lorry accident claim. They will listen to your stories, collect evidence, and fully comprehend how your injuries have affected you in order to obtain compensation for you.

With years of industry experience, we have worked on numerous lorry accident claims and have obtained more than adequate compensation for our clients. We will handle every detail, allowing you to concentrate on your rehabilitation.

Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation. Ask any questions you want – there’s no pressure to keep going until you’re ready to make a claim.

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