The past few years have been challenging for those businesses operating in the hospitality and leisure industries, to put it mildly. Licencing Lawyers a global pandemic that saw many such businesses forced to close temporarily or to make expensive changes to the way their business runs to meet new guidelines have left many such businesses playing ‘catch up’ to thrive – and survive – now that those restrictions have been lifted.
The last thing any such business needs is an expensive legal problem derailing those efforts, which is where Pearl Lemon Legal may be able to help.
Numerous strict licensing and regulatory rules apply to the hospitality and leisure industry across its many different niches. A cross-disciplinary team of legal professionals at Pearl Lemon Legal, forming our licensing lawyer division, can assist you in navigating this challenging sector.
How Our Licencing Lawyers Can Help You
Our knowledgeable licensing lawyers can assist you or your firm with a range of Licencing Lawyers concerns, such as applications, variations, and abiding by licencing requirements.
For many businesses, getting and maintaining the proper Licencing Lawyers licence – and in many cases licences – is essential. We can give you advice and support throughout the entire process, whether you’re starting a new business and are seeking licencing for the first time or need assistance with an already licensed business.
We assist companies with obtaining licences for taxis, gaming, betting, alcohol, and entertainment. Licencing Lawyers Furthermore, we also assist private individuals in obtaining and maintaining their own firearms and taxi licences.
To give your licence application the best chance of being approved, we’ll assist you in organising the information about your licenced activity and gathering all the relevant data. We’ll also go over the guidelines you must adhere to in order to avoid penalties or other measures from your licensing authorities. In short, we will give you the best possible chance of obtaining the licensing you require.
We can also provide expert guidance on the best course of action if you are the target of enforcement measures, and can represent you in interviews and appeals hearings with your Licensing Lawyers licensing authority.
Pearl Lemon Legal Licencing Services Offered
Pearl lemon is experienced licensing lawyers assistance are available to help with any issues pertaining to licences for alcohol, entertainment, firearms, taxis, and gaming and betting.
Catering and Hospitality Licencing
If you run – or plan to run – a hospitality venue of any kind, from a large hotel to a small catering hall, a restaurant, café, or social club, it is likely that you will need, at a minimum, to obtain licensing to serve alcohol. This process in the UK is more complicated than people imagine, and is certainly an area in which “Licencing Lawyers” Pearl Lemon Legal’s licensing lawyers work a great deal of the time.
Within the hospitality industry there are numerous distinct licence types that address topics like hours of operation, alcohol supplied, the admission of kids, entertainment, and other issues. However, the hospitality sector primarily deals with five different types of licences or certificates:
- A Justice’s Full On-License without Conditions is the licence that permits wide public alcohol consumption without the need for a meal to accompany it. Normal licensing hours finish at 11:00 pm, with a 20-minute ‘drinking up’ window following immediately after.
- A Justice’s Full On-Licence With Conditions, also referred to as a restaurant licence, permits the sale of alcohol subject to a number of restrictions, the most important of which is that a meal must be served concurrently with the consumption of the alcohol sold.
The type of alcohol being sold can cause additional issues that you may need the advice of licensing lawyers to help demonstrate compliance or intended compliance. For example, a licence could permit the sale of
- Alcohol that is intoxicating in all forms
- Wine, beer, and cider only
- Beer and cider only
- Cider only
- Wine only
These licences are also the most prevalent sought by hotels.
3. A Supper Hours Certificate can be used with either of the aforementioned licences and permits trade for an additional hour under the strict requirement that food be served if alcohol is being consumed. As long as the drinks have been served alongside the meal, the drinking window under this certificate is 30 minutes rather than 20.
- Extended Hours Certificate – This permits an extension of the regular licensing hours, allowing the sale of alcohol up until a particular time, whether or not a meal has been provided.
These licences are typically given to establishments that offer both live entertainment and substantial food service. “Licencing Lawyers” It adds a 30-minute drinking window to the authorised hours, bringing them up to 1 am.
- Applications for special hours certificates are accepted from licenced establishments that have been awarded a public entertainment licence. The only way it differs from a certificate for longer hours is that it only permits the sale of alcohol as a supplement to food or entertainment.
The maximum extension is typically until 2 a.m., however in some areas of London, this can be extended up to 3 a.m. on any day other than Sunday. When applying for such a licence, it’s crucial to have good legal guidance because licensing justices have the authority to impose a variety of restrictions on special hours certificates, and a failure to understand these can prove disastrous.
Other Hospitality Licencing
While our licensing lawyers at Pearl Lemon Legal are often called in to help businesses obtain licensing related to the service of alcohol, these are not the only licences we can help with. Some venues may require a Public Entertainment Licence to host band performances, host dances or stage other shows, and a Children’s Certificate may be required to allow the admission (with an adult) of those under 14.
While these licences can be crucial to a business’ success, they can be hard to obtain and sometimes their conditions can be difficult to comply with. Working with Pearl Lemon Legal’s licensing lawyers will help ensure the best chance of success.
Taxi Licencing
Here in the UK, taxi hire firms still offer a highly sought-after service, even in the face of competition from other transportation businesses.
With over a quarter of a million taxi vehicles presently operating in the market, a strong licensing system is required to guarantee operators comply with the appropriate laws and regulations. The present laws and norms guarantee both the drivers’ and their passengers’ safety, as well as fair competition in the local market in which they operate.
However, having issues with your taxi licence is not unusual. It is highly advised that you get professional assistance and counsel from experienced licensing lawyers if you find yourself in this scenario, especially as your livelihood is essentially on the line if a licence is suspended or revoked.
Whatever your difficulty with taxi licensing, our qualified licensing lawyers can help you.
In order to assist you with your difficulties when you most need it, why not contact us for an initial consultation and learn what your alternatives may be? Many individual taxi drivers and taxi business owners who contact us are unaware of the possibilities that are open to them.
In addition to ensuring that the proper procedures have been followed, we can provide the best taxi licence advice on the strength of the case brought against you or how to strengthen the case you desire to pursue. We can then represent you at the police station, town hall, or in court.
You can feel secure knowing that your case is in the capable, qualified, and experienced hands of our team of licensing lawyers and that we will do our best to safeguard your licensing and your livelihood.
Gaming and Betting Licences
You will need to make sure you have the appropriate licences in place if you want to successfully operate in the betting and gaming sector. In applications for UK Gambling Commission Operator’s Licences, UKGC and local authority premises licences, we represent companies from all over the world, across many niches and of all sizes.
Our licencing lawyers have dealt with a wide range of remote and non-remote licencing applications, including:
- Casinos, both physical and internet based
- Bookmakers, both physical shop based and internet based
- Amusement arcades
- Bingo halls
- Fundraising events offering raffles and other chance based contests
- Gaming competitions offering prizes
- Game software applications, including gaming apps for mobile devices
Within the niches, and more, we are experienced in providing sound legal advice with all the following and more:
If a licence is necessary, and if so what kind and the best way to obtain it.
- The implementation of the licencing conditions and codes of conduct in particular situations
- The creation of required business plans, projections, guidelines, procedures, and agreements
- Adherence to reporting obligations to obtain and maintain licencing
- Advice on utilising third parties for contracting and sourcing, such as third-party funders, payment service providers, and software testing companies.
- Representation in licensing violation matters, including licensing appeals.
Firearms Licences
The elite licensing lawyers at Pearl Lemon Legal can assist you in appealing if your firearms licence has been suspended or if your application has been denied.
You will benefit from our regulatory experience, comprehensive knowledge of UK weapons legislation, and track record of successfully challenging licence refusal and revocations.
Our qualified and experienced licensing lawyers have first-hand expertise representing gun owners who are challenging the suspension of a firearms licence. We will work with you to ensure that your appeal, which must be submitted directly to the Crown Court, is well-prepared and presented to maximise its chances of success. We can assist with:
- Licence refusals
- Licence revocation appeal requests
- Modifying licences to permit the possession of additional or different firearms
- Initial firearm licencing requests
When contesting a denial or revocation of a firearms licence, it is best to get experienced legal counsel quickly. Because you are better prepared, aware of your rights, and have a plan, having skilled legal representation, like the Pearl lemon Legal team, on your side often completely changes the outcome in a positive way.
Whatever your licensing law issues, we may be able to help. Contact Pearl Lemon Legal today to speak to our expert licensing lawyers and discuss your unique case.
Licensing Lawyers FAQs
Absolutely! We provide advice and support for businesses at every stage, whether you’re just starting out and need to apply for a licence for the first time, or if you’re an established business in need of assistance with an already licensed operation.
Yes. Pearl Lemon Legal can assist you in understanding the guidelines you must adhere to in order to avoid penalties or other measures from your licensing authorities. We’ll help you organise the information about your licenced activity and gather all the relevant data to give you the best possible chance of obtaining the licensing you require.
Our legal team can provide expert guidance on the best course of action if you are being targeted for enforcement measures. We can represent you in interviews and appeals hearings with your licensing authority.
Our licencing lawyers work with numerous distinct licence types within the hospitality industry. These include Full On-Licences (with and without conditions), Supper Hours Certificates, and Extended Hours Certificates. We can also help with Public Entertainment Licences and Children’s Certificates.
Yes, we provide assistance to individual taxi drivers and taxi business owners who are experiencing issues with their taxi licence. We can represent you at the police station, town hall, or in court and give advice on how to strengthen your case.
Yes, we can assist with applications for UK Gambling Commission Operator’s Licences and local authority premises licences. We have experience with a wide range of remote and non-remote licencing applications and can provide legal advice on a variety of related issues.
Yes, our licencing lawyers can assist you in appealing if your firearms licence has been suspended or if your application has been denied. We have first-hand experience representing gun owners who are challenging the suspension of a firearms licence and can assist with licence refusals, licence revocation appeal requests, modifying licences, and initial firearm licencing requests.