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At Pearl Lemon Legal, we have a reputation for being responsive, proactive, and dedicated to our clients. We also have a track record of producing outstanding results as promptly and affordably as we can. We work with both business clients and private individuals, and we have specialized knowledge of legal difficulties that arise in the area of internet commerce.

When you work with a civil solicitor from Pearl Lemon Legal, you get more than just legal representation; you also get a helpful, compassionate professional who will make every effort to make the journey of resolving your legal concerns as painless as is reasonably possible. We are aware that most people who ask for our assistance are going through a challenging period, and we will make every effort to make things easier while still achieving the best results.

Clear and early tactical analysis can help you win the majority of civil disputes. Regardless of whether you’re a potential claimant or defendant, you can rely on our expertise in both litigation and negotiation. We will diligently present or defend your case at trial if a settlement cannot be reached.

How Can a Civil Solicitor Assist Me?

A courtroom is more likely to be recognizable to the average person from popular media than from personal experience. When they hear and see criminal courtroom drama, they associate it with justice.


Justice is not always served through the criminal justice system. In truth, the number of civil court cases has dramatically increased recently, making them a much more common method of conflict resolution in UK courts.


The rarity of civil trials is another peculiar characteristic of our legal system. Trials cost money, take time, and frequently have no purpose. Today’s civil lawyers attempt to ensure you receive the settlements you deserve without having to spend a day in court, whenever possible, and are not initially concerned with court preparation.

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What Do Civil Solicitors Do?

A great deal, as civil litigation makes up a sizable portion of legal work in the UK!

A civil solicitor is essentially a litigator who specializes in assisting clients in resolving disputes. If a dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation or agreement, legal action is likely to be taken; nevertheless, as we have already indicated and will do so again, the goal of civil lawyers should always be to avoid going to court.

Conflicts and disagreements governed by civil law are referred to as civil litigation. Therefore, any laws that address regular people and their problems are considered to be within civil law. Common law is sometimes used to refer to civil law, but to a lawyer, this term primarily refers to precedent-setting court decisions rather than laws and statutes.

Civil litigation is thus used to resolve disputes involving people, including those who own businesses, and their rights. This includes contracts and quasi-contracts, civil wrong doings, tort law, property law, and many other topics.

Civil litigation generally involves two (or more) parties and is focused on obtaining money damages or a very precise result. Our civil solicitors are focused on obtaining the right results for our clients as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How Do Civil Cases Move Forward?

The English and Welsh courts follow a set of rules known as the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR). Any qualified civil solicitor will be knowledgeable about these because they are essential in civil litigation.


Parties must adhere to a set of procedures defined in the CPR before a Claim is filed in court. Legally, they are referred to as the Pre-Action Protocols. The Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct and Protocols is the standard protocol despite the fact that there are several protocols for different circumstances, such as personal injury or dilapidations.


As a common initial step before filing a claim, the Claimant (the party intending to make the Claim) should send a Letter of Claim to the possible Defendant. The grounds on which the claim is brought, a summary of the facts, what the claimant is demanding of the defendant, and if money is involved, how the amount is calculated;” should be included in this.



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The potential defendant should then have a chance to respond to that communication with a Letter of Response after that.

If the matter cannot be resolved, the parties should consider using other dispute resolution procedures, such as mediation.

If the matter is still unresolved, a court suit is typically the next step. These may be issued by the County Court as well as the High Court (subject to various rules on venue, value, process etc).

Once in Court, a Claim typically follows these steps:

Statements of Case: All kinds of paperwork needs to be gathered and submitted comprise Schedules of Loss, Part 18 Requests for Additional Information, Specifics of Claim, Defense, Counterclaim, and, if necessary, Reply to Defense and Counterclaim Defense.

Court Allocation – The Court decides whether the matter belongs under the Fast Track, Multi-Track, or Small Claim categories after consulting with the parties.

Dispute Disclosure: The parties exchange crucial dispute documents. There can be a lot of these, and they take time to assemble and submit.

Witness Statements – These are key witnesses’ written depositions that give accurate explanations of what happened, what went wrong, etc. Each party will be responsible for compiling and presenting these statements in a way that the court will approve of.

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Expert Opinions: Experts (or just one expert) submit reports on any technical issues that are needed.


Pre-Trial Review and Trial Preparation for the formal court proceeding known as the trial.


Think that’s a lot? It is, which is one of the main reasons why it is typically far preferable to solve and resolve disputes prior to going to trial. The parties to a dispute have frequently stopped communicating civilly by the time it reaches the legal action stage. However, rational discussion with the involvement of a third party can reopen those communications and allow the dispute(s) at hand to be resolved without the need for a formal court proceeding.

Choosing Pearl Lemon Legal to Represent You in Civil Cases

Going forward with a civil case needs to be a carefully planned and executed process because there can frequently be a lot at stake, not just financially but also in terms of reputation, future earnings, future business prospects, and more. You will almost certainly benefit from having skilled and committed civil lawyers working with you.


At Pearl Lemon Legal, we take great satisfaction in providing the best legal counsel, ADR, and, if necessary, trial representation to achieve the outcomes our clients are looking for.


Our litigation team is committed to getting the best outcome for our customers and provides internal ADR services to corporate clients as well as private individuals. These services are provided by ADR professionals with decades of combined experience in this difficult area.

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We can offer our expertise in the civil law topics listed below and many more.


  • Contract conflicts
  • Partner business disagreements
  • Employee/contractor disagreements
  • Probate matters
  • Defamation of character or reputation 
  • Commercial Debt Recovery
  • Fraud
  • Property problems
  • Tenant and landlord disputes
  • Professional negligence

The Evolution of Civil Litigation

Conflicts and problems increase as the world, and particularly the way it conducts business, changes. For instance, it used to be simple to determine if one party to an employment contract had violated it by failing to perform the level of work required. Or to decide what amounted to slander or the theft of intellectual property.


It is much more difficult in the digital business world, though, where work is frequently difficult to define and there are numerous channels for communication. This makes it difficult to determine when intellectual property rights have actually been violated or when deformation or simply the expression of opinion has occurred.


Being a part of the larger Pearl Lemon Group, Pearl Lemon Legal has particularly pertinent knowledge and experience in this field and can help handle these more difficult-to-define problems extremely successfully.


But no matter what you require, there’s a good chance that our group of civil solicitors can assist you. To find out how we can ease your civil law headaches and deliver the results you want, get in touch with us today and let’s discuss your case.

Lawyer hand holding pen and providing legal consult business dispute to the man

Civil Lawyers FAQs

Our civil solicitors provide more than just legal representation. They offer compassionate professional assistance, working tirelessly to make your legal journey as smooth as reasonably possible. We understand that our clients often come to us during difficult times, and we’re committed to easing their burden while striving to achieve the best results.

Our civil solicitors are experts in dealing with both litigation and negotiation. Whether you’re a potential claimant or defendant, you can rely on our expertise to diligently represent or defend your case at trial if a settlement can’t be reached. Our aim is to ensure that you receive the settlements you deserve without having to spend a day in court, whenever possible.

A civil solicitor, or litigator, helps clients in resolving disputes. If a dispute can’t be settled through negotiation or agreement, legal action might be necessary. Civil litigation encompasses conflicts governed by civil law, such as contracts, property law, tort law, and other areas. Our civil solicitors aim to resolve these disputes swiftly and efficiently.

The process for civil cases in the English and Welsh courts is regulated by the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR). The process involves following Pre-Action Protocols, exchanging Letters of Claim and Response, considering alternative dispute resolution procedures like mediation, and if unresolved, proceeding to court. Once in court, there are several steps, from gathering statements of case to court allocation, dispute disclosure, and finally trial.

We can offer expert advice, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), and, if necessary, representation at trial to achieve your desired outcomes. Our team is committed to obtaining the best outcome for our clients and offers ADR services to both corporate clients and private individuals. We handle contract disputes, business disagreements, employee/contractor disputes, probate matters, defamation cases, commercial debt recovery, fraud cases, property issues, landlord-tenant disputes, and professional negligence.

Pearl Lemon Legal has extensive experience in handling civil litigation in the evolving digital business world. This includes issues like determining violations of intellectual property rights or identifying defamation in the myriad channels of online communication. As a part of the larger Pearl Lemon Group, we have unique insights into these challenges and have a proven record of success in addressing them.

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